As speculated later this week by Starrtrash, Lady Ga-Ga has confirmed that she indeed is a hermaphrodite. Pictures of her vagina, which shows a bulge resembling a tiny penis were released last week that started the rumours about her gender identity. Starrtrash confirmed the story with her blog entry earlier this morning.
Its not something that I'm ashamed of, just isn't something that i go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but i consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesnt interfere much with my life. the reason I haven't talked about it is that its not a big deal to me. like come on. its not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I'm sexy, I'm hot. i have both a poon and a peener. big fucking deal.
- L8d Gaga <3>
- L8d Gaga <3>
Good on you Gaga! We won't judge you at all. I do however, feel a little weird about thinking you were hot in your Just Dance video....does this make me gay? NSFW pics after the jump.
1 – 200 of 289 Newer› Newest»I didn't know that this was true! I can't believe it. I am a hermaphrodite myself and I would definitely still do her. I had a friend who had a vag and a penis and her boyfriend just used the dangling penis as leverage, sort of like how a cowboy uses that knob thing on the saddle for leverage.
- Chang
yeah im a hermaphrodite
its just i have a vagina on my face and a penis on my forehead.
its not like i look any different to everyone else.. yet everyone keeps laughing at me???
from rhydd burcham. allambie heights australia
call me im rhydd!!!
Dont Hate...
There really isn't anything wrong with that, some people are just insensitive pricks to it.
i am a hermaphradite myself. i would love to chat!!!
my msn address is hobo_man89@hotmail.com
and my bebo page is http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=995132375
This whole thing is irrelevant... what really matters is the way that people will park over 2 bays at my local supermarket in Stoke on Trent.
I can forward pictures to any interested parties and we can try to tackle this together.
Warren Penalver
She's got tits like spaniel ears and a face like a smacked ass, who cares what junk she's packin', She's woofing from the waist up...
Probably end up with Fat Man Scoop and have some hybrid offspring, one called Vagenis the other Nutflaps. They'll be living in Detriot so avoid where possible.
What is sooo wrong about hermaphrodites, let me think NOTHING is wrong with them because to me it does not matter what is on the outside, what matters is whats one the inside and how they feel about them self's that is all that maters to me. So maybe the people that hate hermaphrodite needs to think about what I am saying
is this a look all the girls will be wanting now .
this is so cool!it makes me feel normal again!i have a penis on my baby finger and a vagina on my foot and this is so good to hear of ppl wit d same condition!fair play 2 gaga for being proud of hers coz i am very proud of mine!
I think people have forgotten their brains some where else... And Some of you guys really have dick on your head, good luck with that :)
thats so fake!
Lady Gaga doesn't talk like that and she has baby pics of her, and high school pics.
this is why nobody comes here.
Thats BS, she has pictures of her as a baby and in high school. Plus she was a stripper so i think someone would have noticed.
thats such a lie, who made this up anyways? Who eve did needs to do better research cause she doesn't talk like that she would say the word "penis" not "peen".
I am a Hermaphrodite and was unfortunatly born with a vagina for a left eye and a penis for a nose!! i went through high school having to wear a mask and tell people it was a skin condition. The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles located under my chin. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it.
Thats not even Lady Gaga.
thats a transsexual male 'lady gaga' impersonator. I believe he works in either New York or Las Vegas.
you can tell this from that fact that, check his legs. male legs. have you seen lady gaga, that body is nothing but a woman.
plus this impersonator has a more elongated face to lady gaga's.
god i never new that she was a achull man
i dont mind that lady gaga is a boy cause shes still a really good singer and i love all her songs
but i think its a bit sick that shes got half a penis lol
i was like omg when i foung out she had a sex change that just weird and sick
i wonder what she looked like when she was a boy ??
sorry cant go to a penis/woman just the same cant go to a vagina/man
In all honesty, who cares if someone is slightly different? We should all treat each other as equals, because there will always be someone in our lives that doesn't accept something about us whether extra, or lack of body parts, nationality, sexuality etc.
Struggling with an even more tragic affliction then those suffering for a mortals span of life. Consider my kins bane as normal boys and girls for the majority of the time and upon full moon finding an additional appendage or unecessary hole.i went down on lady gaga and she poked my face.(sung in tune of poker face). if my wife is a hermaphrodite, does that make me bi-sexual???
'is it bad your penis and your vagina touch??
whaaaat?? you have both??
isnt that normal??
well there is a couple of ways that you could look at this. Every time you root one other person you have had a threesome especially if that person is a girl its everymans dream... there is also the fact that if your are trying to nail a hot bird in a bar and she says she is gay you can pull her... lastly who really cares what they have--- i just want to know can they orgasm and have an erection at the same time providing they were like lady gaga, female..
We are the UHA (underground hermaphrodite association) We have casual meeting on a evening bases on tuesday and thursday wer we go down to the center of the earth were nobody can see our shame we like to do fun stuff lyk drink tea and hide in the shadows we play games connect four and "chase you with hose" me personally david stephen henry mcloughlin have a penis on my right knee it hurt as a child bcause the carpet burn was unreal my vagina is located on my tongue wen i kissed girls dey used to say it tasted like der vaginas bu dey dint realise it was an actual vagina, if i wud kiss dem for long i wud blow my load in der mouth. i would pull classic pranks like wen i had my time of the month i would lash my tongue down der troats n fill dum wit blood my cock-knee is crispy with scabs. Another fellow member is abraham lincock ...
as stated above i am yet another of the UHA i try not to let it effect my life but it is difficult when my feet are penises and my forehead quite clearly poseses a vajin. i enjoy playing twister with my fellow associats which brings to my next point that algibra is quite difficult and amy walsh loves that fella yes very important info there my bellybutton posesses a large amount of fluff and i cannot wear flip-flops concidering my condition this is not a laughing matter but beyonce needs a bra ... just the pussy i was looking for MEOW . its mad the way her back goes in and her arse goes out. which concludes my sector, peace out save the enviornment keep it real dont smoke the dope booze you lose ......
let me introduce myself as cathriona pussy cat walsh. ( it wasn me it was seamas )like my counter parts i am also an unusual fuck off lookin hermaphrodite , i have 3 fannys and 2 dicks. i love my extra bits, originality like.
lady gaga or man go go , is my fucking idol like ! i plan on shaving my head and wearing fuck off sunglasses that flash.
i just wana mention that the fella who said " lady gaga looks like a bucket of smashed crabs" ...
is my new idol cause that is pure greatness !
i love my multipul sexual organs and i actually feel sorry for all you normal fuckers out there who will never understand the pleasure we feel weekly at our UHA meetings.
anyone interested in joining the UHA contact us.
slan Dudes
Okay not that it's a bad thing to be a person like that. But you people are being idiots...there is nothing official about this blog...no offical news. Don't believe everything you hear..Gaga is a creative WOMAN and that is what she will always be. Please people use your brain. This website is called Star Trash meaning...they only want to trash stars.
I just think that hermaphrodites are very greedy because they have both genitals and that means that they cannot be gay, perhaps Lady Gaga could even impregnate her self and get a Jackson 5 sort of thing going for her kids, that would be pretty sweet.
Hello my name is Northside and I'm a wannabe Manchester City Hooligan. I too am a Hermathrodite, I have both sexual organs. Back in the day I used to get called a Freak in the Kippax, I was on the brink of Suicide until I met a lovely man called Flanders who accepted me for who I was. We moved to a small farm in Belgium where we had kinky BDSM sex in bushes and cellars taking full advantage of the additional Sexual organs I'd been graced with. When I heard that Lady Gaga was one of us it was a massive sigh of relief, hopefully now we will be accepted in Society and I can return to Manchester without fear of being targeted for abuse.
FAILFACES lol all of you, fail..epicaly...pictures not even her lol that is infact a transexual lol
I feel SO relieved! I was born with flaps as well as the 'normal' male bits. I've had much difficultly living with this... especially in Stoke where people can be quite judgmental.
I hope now that Lady Gaga has the same condition, people can see me for who i am. flaps and all! At the end of the day... we are all human. we should be treated with respect.
I met the girl of my dreams last year called Barbara. She's so open-minded and she doesn't mind my flaps because they remind her of her Mum. Who died tragically in a car accident 2 years ago. On the M1.
Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but i consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesnt interfere much with my life.
who really gives a fuck if she is or is not a transgendered person??
and for people who think tat pic aint her look at her others so what if she has a little bit extra downstairs to be honest i think half of ya's are jealous!!! i'm not a big fan of ga-ga's myself but its torribley idiotic!!!and before ya say anything i'm female and straight... stop being so stupid and bitchy or is it too much to peeps that she's getting someone in life i actually wud respect her more if she said it!!!!
OMG Poor her! Oh well shes proud of who she is, so good on her!
this just made my day
i knew that there made to be something different about her! now all the boys are like does that make me gay? how funnyy
jamesogrady on stickam said that, thought id add it:) hope he sees this or someone he knows does :)
Yea, seriously, there's no way people can honestly believe this article. It's not exactly very official and its funny that this is the only confession Lady Gaga has even made! Despite the fact she doesnt talk like that. These people blatently made this bogus article to get some publicity, use your brains! And you can tell from the clothes she wears in her music videos that she hasnt got a cock.
rhydd burcham you are obviously lying I checked you out on myspace ha, I am so gullable.
Its not something that I'm ashamed of, just isn't something that i go around telling everyone.
^ ^ ^ So she posts it on her blog. Not telling everyone then.
She's a dopey tool.
i do she has lot's of secret's
maybe even this one
it is she has lots and lots off secret's maybe even this one
just leave her alone
even if she is a man
its none of your business
her music still rox
shes still hot
some people don't seem to understand what a hermaphrodite is, it means she has both male and female genitalia, not that she has had a "sex change".
so whether she has baby photos of her from school or not it makes no difference because she has obviously looked the same all her life, she just has both male and female organs! she's a hermaphrodite not a transvestite.
I'm a hermaphrodite and so is my father and mother.
(I dunno which one is which..)
I'm having problems with sexual realtions.
Everytime I almost get laid and she goes in for the kill well....
I don't want a girl to pull out my winky and think shes looking at her parts in the mirror.
Anyhow I make up this ridiclous excuse that im a christian and I don't believe in sex before marriage.
I even stop myself from drinking, smoking and doing drugs because of it.
It kills me inside...
The fact Lady GaGa can come out with it like this is something I look up to.
She's an amazing role model. :D
Yeh she really has a penis... >.>
hi. i sometimes like to touch pigs. ive often wondered why this gives me such a thrill. but then i realised. i had a todger thats all curly like a pigs one. serious. i went to the doctors and he was like 'shit you could open a wine bottle with that'. but im also a girl.
im a bi-sexual, bi lingual, bi- plane, bi gendered bijingo.
holla peace up. a town down.. brap
omg u morons i didnt think anyone could b so stupid its not lady gaga :@ if you look closley dat is a man and her fringe is more darker and different and she admitted nothing she is a female full because theres a picture of her with a tampon sticking out .... get youre facts straight before you believe what you hear ...
omg u morons i didnt think anyone could b so stupid its not lady gaga :@ if you look closley dat is a man and her fringe is more darker and different and she admitted nothing she is a female full because theres a picture of her with a tampon sticking out .... get youre facts straight before you believe what you hear ...
im not a hermaphrodite but i was born with an extra vagina in the joint of both of my knees.
when i walk, if i time it right, i can induce an orgasm and sometimes it happens in unfortunate places like the school lunch queue and when im walking up the stairs.
if i wanted to i could have sex with 3 guys all at once.
i doubt this is true somehow.
Watch the interview she did on johnathan Ross.
LAdy gaga is truly awesome. ya so who cares if shes a whatever dite! she has talent she is beautiful and she's strong! i love gaga and whoever hates her for this or already hated her FxCK OFF B1+C#!!!!
this is false completly false
I'm not totally sure this is true, but if it is, then it is totally cool that she doesn't feel as if it matters, way to be comfortable with yourself GaGa!
lol so not true
Starrtrash claims ladygaga admitted it on her blog that morning, but:
Not there
Why would a pop star jeopardize her career with something that the general public don't accept?
And seeing as though she walks round in her undies all the time, surely SOMEone else would've spotted it too?
lol cheers for the jokes people
I think like she is like sooo brave, luv you lady gaga bbff x o x
I love the way you all feel its needed to correct each other on this subject ...Jokes man ... Granted you could argue I'm as sad as you are for writing this comment, but I felt obligated to tell you all how you make me laugh ...
To never be heard of again ...
i just can not believe that people in "THE WEST" can think like some of you down below... i am ashamed that biology books put all of us in the same section called homo sapiens, when some should be in homo idioticus.
it is not her fault she is intersex. and it is not yours to call for their death.
if it is someone's fault then it is the genetics, or for those that believe in higher forces - then it is His fault. think about it. should we kill all babies born with heart problems, siam twins, or so on. shame on you and your parents and all those that made you so primitive.
If it is true it's not her fault she has both genitals, most of you talk like you are very uneducated tools. Do any of you know how you got your sex? Did you pick your sex when you were unborn? NO! some things can not be helped when in utero like disfigurments and lack of limbs or extra limbs. Lady Ga Ga didn't ask to have both genitals and perhapes her parents didn't want to choose what sex she should be, 30% of hermaphrodites tend to swing toward being a male and well the other 70% are most likely female. To her having both genitals is normal as she was born with them just like having a birth mark or an extra toe most people with extra bits won't remove them unless the are a health issue or get in the way of normal everyday life. I'm sadened to think there are so many people scared of anything different and I hope that your own unborn children don't get any disfigurments for I think it would be ashame that they have such judging parents as yourselves.
And yes I am born female and don't have any extra or lack of bits but I understand that these people deserve a little bit more respect than the name calling and judging, shame on you for that they didn't ask to be this way.
lol OP is a troll
it's just the most fake statement i've ever seen. How can anyone believe this shit?!
A.She doesnt talk like that anyway
B.That picture is not a picture of her with her cock out, so therefore it is not proof that she has one
C.She apparantly used to be a stripper and sometimes get naked on tour so someone would have noticed / have actual proof if she was a hermaphrodite
D.She's never actually admitted to anything!
Seriously people, grow up and actually THINK before you believe things without proof
yall should be ashamed for putting such an article up... so obviously jealous of someone having the success that you arent!
U guys r poofters
Whoops sorry ""LEAVE LADY GAGA ALONE!!""
Is lady Gaga Transgender just like Isis in America's next top model?
wonder what she says when someone tells her 'to go f**k herself."?
can she jizz?
You can't blame people for the way they are born. Any of us could be judged in a negative light for things we can't control.
Some of us have disease, disabilities, balding, embarrassing moles/scars, etc. I respect Lady GaGa for just being who she is. Any of you making nasty comments just sound ignorant.
I don't believe the bible is truth, but 'Judge not lest ye be judged' is a great quote.
You should monitor the negativity shown towards this story! why cant people just accept that many people in the world are different, defining a person by placing a label on them sucks, Lady Gaga is a very brave woman to share personal info about herself and all she gets is ridacule, I say good on her for sharing, those people who are negative and phobic must be very unhappy in life. Gabz
Lady Gaga is an superly successful and attractive woman, so what if she has both genitals. Abnormalities make us who we are.
I'd still tap Lady Gaga if she ever asked me too because she if a damn hot woman.
Lady Gaga is an attractive and successful woman. So what if she is a hermaphrodite, our abnormalities are what make us individual.
I would still tap Lady Gaga if she asked me to because she's sexy as hell.
Meh, she has a big clit. So what? She still deserves all the respect everyone else gets. And she's one of the few pop artists I can listen to without wanting to shove rusty nails into my ears.
I'd do her.
-Rachel (http://retro-desu.uk.to)
whats the difference between altered and multiple?
People are pathetic to change their oppinion of her because hes a hermaphrodite.
She is still the same fabulous singer and all round entertainer. So what if she is a hermaphrodite, it's her choice and has bott all to do with anyone else.
Oh and I'm not a hermaphrodite, but I'm still taking a stand and telling all you fuckers who think it's sick to piss off and do something with your life.
I mean it's like people saying that all gays or bi's should die. I am bi, and although I may not know exactly what Lady GaGa is going through with all the judgemental people, I can relate to her.
Oh and if you think it's sick, don't bother sites with it, just either keep it to yourself or at least admit who you are and oh give us your number. I'm sure some people will have something to say about your comment :). Otherwise your just being spineless (Y)
Love ya's
Oh yeah,
Apart from the fact that this might not be true anyway, many of the posts here do illustrate that whilst a sense of humour is commendable, many posters are consuming oxygen that could be more profitably used in inflating the balloons that will be needed at the birthday party their mum will be throwing for them when they are 10
look at how they spelled her name. They put l8d gaga instead of lady gaga so they could not be sued for libel because it is not true.
Hey guys, you all seem to enjoy voicing an opinion so, what do you think about QPR's midfield options this season and what sort of formation do you think we should be playing?
I think we should be concerned about our strike force, let the midfield sort itself out.
Would you consider tugging off Lady GaGa whilst pounding her arse, or do you think it is best to steer clear of her 'tummy banana'?
Well to be honest i think we have enough in midfield but we need to get another striker in badly and after letting our left back and reserve keeper we need to replace them.
Id give lady gagas little fella a rub but judging by her utter filthyness id make sure ATM was involved. Can ladyboys jizz out of there cocks?
I think a striker is top priority, we cannot go through another season without a target man up front.
I dont think she can jizz from her cock as she has no nutsack in which to produce and store the 'man fat'.
If you go down on her, would her cock find it's way into your nostril? I would hope not.
If they use Matty Connolly as left back i shall scream.
Does anyone think they should give Borrowdale a go ??
Not sure i have enough hands for all the things i could do with Lady GaGa
She does need bigger tits though FACT 100% Mint sauce
That's quite hot actually. :)
We still love you Lady!
na im exactly the same other than the fact i have a constantly drippin cunt sittin on my cheek and a penis on my back which is entirely erect for a majority of my life.
still i have a girlfriend she doesn't mind its just like everyone else with a bit more, its nothing unusual
She is a girl:
I would just like to say that a hermaphrodite is NOT SOMEONE WHO HAS HAD A SEX CHANGE.
"A HERMAPHRODITE IS AN ORGANISM HAVING BOTH MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. In many species, hermaphroditism is a common part of the life-cycle, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which partners are not separated into distinct male and female types of individual. Hermaphroditism most commonly occurs in invertebrates, although it is also found in some fish, and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates." -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodite
I would just like to say that a hermaphrodite is NOT SOMEONE WHO HAS HAD A SEX CHANGE.
"A HERMAPHRODITE IS AN ORGANISM HAVING BOTH MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. In many species, hermaphroditism is a common part of the life-cycle, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which partners are not separated into distinct male and female types of individual. Hermaphroditism most commonly occurs in invertebrates, although it is also found in some fish, and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates." -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodite
I would just like to say that a hermaphrodite is NOT SOMEONE WHO HAS HAD A SEX CHANGE.
"A HERMAPHRODITE IS AN ORGANISM HAVING BOTH MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. In many species, hermaphroditism is a common part of the life-cycle, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which partners are not separated into distinct male and female types of individual. Hermaphroditism most commonly occurs in invertebrates, although it is also found in some fish, and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates." -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodite
i pulled my self to that
just cut it off its for the best
Ahh that totally makes me wana shag you more! Best of both worlds i say! Good on ya guuuuurrrrllllll!
KeePa RoCkIN! N I'LL A KeeP On A LuViN! xX
I have two sets of male genitalia. I have a cock growing from my forehead.
It's not so much of a problem, although it is a pain in the ass at the movies - keep having to push my balls out of the way so I can see.
I am also a hermaphrodite myself and would like to talk to others. I love lady gaga's charisma and she can only make my life easier.
msn... meg92-xo@hotmail.com
I always thought he was to macho looking , Ive never seen a female in that body just some sick crossdresser who has trouble singing and pretending to be a woman . sling that slong mini dong it's all u got going for you .
Haha this is not true. There is no blog on the internet by her. And that picture... someone was just staring at her crotch for too long and wanted to see a penis, because I do not see one. The only way I will believe it is if she gets on tv and says it.
ok. i love lady gaga's music but you shouldn't judge her just because shes different then most people. her musics incredible and yah it's weird. but thats not fare to judge her nobodys perfect.
so i'll leave it at that!
lily,heather, and isaac
lady gaga adidnt admit anything!
all this is made up by people who want a decent story to sell but cant find a true one so make one up!
there is such thing as PHOTO EDITING!
to be honest whatever happens i am on lady gagas side!
dont you think her buyfriend would have said something if she was so basically everybody LEAVE HER ALONE!
shes a human being and she can live how she wants too!
cant we just all agree doesnt have a gender witch is weird cuz you need one :P
That is Completly false, where do you get this stuff from? That picture is clearly photo-shopped. Suckers.
no such thing as a hermaphrodite
just some dude that is afraid to remove the joystick to fully become a woman
no such thing as a hermaphrodite
just some dude that is afraid to remove the joystick to fully become a woman
Lady GaGa can do me any day now!
I don't really care if she has both a vag and a peen!
but it doesn't matter!
Her music is still gunna be Fierce as hell!
and her outfits are still amazing!
I love you Gaga!
This is SO whatever. GaGa never had an interview like this. No one has ever asked her anything about this. And in the photo, maybe she's wearing something because of her period. So please stop talking blabberish.
I could always tell she wasn't entirely a "she" but, I have nothing against it... people should be able to do and live how they want, as long as it doesn't hurt or affect anyone else, without the criticism. As long as Lady Gaga isn't a murderer or something... no big news.
Which one does she piss from?
If she wanted to please her self - Which one?
Hi, I was wondering if any other hermaphrodites wanted to get together for a night of fun. I look forward to expieriencing boths sides of you.
Email me at com0te123@googlemail.com
hi nice to read thate lady gaga is a hermaphrodite iam from europe and 17 years old and also a hermaphrodite and iam a big fan of lady gaga but know i know see is the same as iam iam a bigger fan and maby here com out over this it makes others easer to come out for this iam in the middel of my coming out ot my friends of this but love it my self a have a nice little penis and a pussy in my pands and both are working fine
so what?
I don't care about this shit, and wouldn't like to know about it.
oh...i don't beleav that!!!!
it's just made by one paparazzi, who needs money...it's a fake
@@@@@ Angel_baby22025
yeah you got it!!!
Even if it is true, there's no reason to discriminate against it. Hermaphrodites are usually born that way. When they are in the womb, everyone starts out with a small bump. It either forms into a penis or forms into the clit on a girl. Sometimes it doesn't form the whole way, and ta-da. Hermaphrodite. So think about that next time you discriminate someone for it, it's not their fault. They didn't chose to be that way.
whats the blog URL?
have you ever thought she put parts of her that outfit on her legs and its tight u dumbshits
Just yesterday i was telling one of my friends that lady gaga was kinda hot. I read this and threw up my spaghetti dinner. No offense to other dites ( not to be confused with dykes ), I actaully called it hot. But i also called it a slut so that kinda cancels out the hot compliment. But my point is that god is going to strike it with lightning and end its slutty, pms'ing, manly, penis/vagina, having life. end of story.
for those chicks out there that are in love with gaga, you all have more reason to like herrr...she can go both ways...
for the guys well...shallow or not...she's is sexy as hell
It could just be a giant clit. O.o
ok it really shouldnt matter if she is or isnt a hermaphrodite like seriously she is still a sex icon still sells records she is sexy and a gorgeous woman id still totally have sex with her who cares its whats on the inside that counts its how a person carries themselves is what counts how they act towards u around u to themselves thats what matters most if she is comfortable with that then who cares that just shows that she is a strong woman and independent woman and this is what we she be carring about not her looks even though she is hott and sexxy
This story HAS NO SOURCE and the blog entry in question DOES NOT EXIST. STOP with you fake stories!
The truth: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/Story?id=8278249&page=1
Leave Britney alone!1!!!111!!one!!!!eleven!!!2!!
You're lucky she even performs for you basturds!!!!!!!1!!
pffft, give me the link to her blog and I'll believe you. Until then, I'll just assume that this is trash, like the name of your website. =]
People make war because there so afraid of accepting difference into there lives, theres so afraid of accepting the perspectives and values of somebody else who doesn't match into there lifestyle out of fear of what they will be viewed as by there fellow peers should they view you with openmindedness.
For ex ; people that bash homosexuality, none of them can grasp the concept and value of homosexuality, the very essence of it, and the emotional setback it has for those who follow that lifestyle, and the decisions that lead them to that decision, whether it be by choice or birth ..
They hate on it, because they don't understand it, or because they don't follow it personally.
Ignorance and the lack of willingness to be open-minded towards the beauty of difference .. turns into hate, and when one person turns to hate, so do the rest .. because everybody is too scared to lead there own lives, and take charge, it's a follow the leader world, and the leader is always the wrong person.
Got a problemm with what i said find mee, name is : Justin preston
Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite!
See it here:
I have 3 balls.
lol i love how people will believe anything that's posted on the internet. xD
This was also in the melbourne paper today (MX). So it's just not the internet.
well its not true
she joked about5 it to a magazine coz of the rumours, it was just a large camel toe that was seen int he pics.
who cares what she is, it doesnt matter what you have it doesnt change the person you are.
plus she an awsum musician and woman whos hot and know how to rock out who doesnt love that lol
What's funny is that really is a Lady GaGa impersonator from Vegas. He performs at Krave night club every so often. Looks like he's made it to the big time haha
I'd still hit it ;D
Imo - Herms shouldn't all die because they can't help having both male and female genitalia, it's the way they are born.
And as k83m8e said.. Don't hate, appreciate. She has brought us excellent music that we are STILL listening to due to the fact she's a herm.
i have a 11inch black cock and lady gaga can have me anyday
Robert Sperry is a hermaphrodite.
Lady Gaga hermaphrodite proof ???...
your all fucking stupid, her music is absolutely genius, the lyrics are beautiful; 'ppppoker face pppoker face'. Now she can create more beautiful lyrics by explaining to us the art of tossing yourself off and fingering yourself at the same time..im in awe of her, multitasking has always been my weakness! p.s. I think it's so brave that you can all admit to absolute strangers over a blog that you have both male and female genetalia!! wooowww great peeps. (group clap)
I KNEW IT. But i still like her music :D
Please check out my bogg
"Wow! What the hell is up with all you racist folks? So she has both. So what! I like both sexes anyways so now i am kind of happy because if i can get her in bed even once then i can honestly say that i had a 3 same for real. I can play with her and eat her at the same time. Lady Ga-Ga. Please e-mail me because now that i know this. I truly don't think that the cold shower thing will work out for me anymore...Please send me photos. Am in heat!!!
P.S: I see that there is a few of you out there. How can a guy like myself meet someone like you folks? I just think that its the best of both worlds and for myself. Man that is heaven straight up! Send me photos folks. remember? Some folks are alot sicker then others but hell. Its alot more fun when you do go both ways thats forsure. My only question would be is that if i wanted to go to bed with the man side of you will the woman side of you think that i am cheating on her????
Saw this great video on youtube
Wouldn't it be interesting if we learn a few years down the road that this was just a publicity stunt, that she was wearing some sort of "strap on" and she just wanted to get rumours flying to keep her name in mind and all that?
wow.. i cant believe you ppl are really throwing others down and going so far as to saying go die just cuz they're a little different. why does any of that matter to you? why the hell should you care if they have an extra genitalia. its none of our business and if you dont know them and the person they are then leave them alone. you have no right to speak out and say the hurtful words your saying. You wouldn't tell your best friend any of that just because you found out they have both male and female reproductive organs would you? NO. so why say it to a stranger? quit being ignorant dogs and poking your noses where they doesnt belong. your just making fools of yourself and its a pointless act.
i give all of you props for admitting your situation, im sure its not easy..it def. wouldnt be for me if i had both. and im impressed that you all live on and deal with the verbal and possibly physical abuse you go through for being different. its encouraging and you for being brave and strong enough to live life like that and hold your head up high and be proud of what you are just makes the world a little more brighter. your the ones who keep the darkness from overpowering. its your actions and pride that we could all learn from and possibly be better, ourselves, and happier.
and for the record, all of you saying your put downs at such horrible levels and even the little put downs, you are the ppl that make this world hell and a place that no one wants to live in. its bc of u ppl that we have suicides and physical problems like that. you need to learn how to observe things and instead of hating, learn to understand and appreciate them. we all are beautiful no matter the appearance and you all need to grow up and see that.
the sad part about all of this is im 5 months shy of 18 and im more mature than you unbelievably nieve jerks.
and as for lady gaga, wether she be normal in the private sense or different or gay or bi i adore her for her expliciting it. shes proud to be who she is and thats how we should all be. her music is a little exposing but its still good music and shes original and im all about being original so quit hating on her too, shes amazing, fresh, and a good artist and you all know you think it at least a little. i dont even listen to that kind of music and i think it.
to me it ain't a bad thing DoubleDaPleasure .its none of our business anyways..
Hermaphrodites are good for the world because they can produce and mate with themselves, therefore if the world ended and there was no more population but a few people including Hermaphrodites, they can mate with themselves and have babies creating a new population !!
zomg proof she haz ballz
lets all jsut have sex and me happy
its fake.
everybody screaming 'fake' is just in denial, they all fapped to a lady with a boy's gaga and now they're afraid they caught the gay. guess what YOU DID YOU DID YOU CAUGHT THE GAYYY you're attracted to someone with a little tiny penis, now you've got something in common with any chick you've ever dated (though you probably never dated because you're too busy fapping to hermaphrodiddies) so stop screaming 'fake' and just accept who you are, lady gags did and look how happy she is. you can even get married in a bunch of places now so look on the bright side, jeez. its not the end of the world.
quick question though why would babby and high school pictures prove that she isn't a hermaphrodoodle? did baby gaga regularly flash the vag whenever someone took her picture or something? did she go to a naked high school? i feel confused (not sexually though like everyone who fapped to the vagenis and now has caught the gayness)
Lady Gaga,Wow that's cool
I am a BIG fan of herrs and when I found out she was a hermaphrodite,I really didn't care. At first I didn't beleive this, but I read this just now, and I'm totally cool with it. I don't care. The thing I REALLY want to know, is she a lesbian or straight. I'm guessing straight because of the music video for Love Game. But WOW! I don't beleive this! I'm glad Stefani doesn't care, if you don't know who Stefani is, that's Lady Gaga's REAL name!!KWL HUH?!?!?
It's not Gaga.
i dint think she was but shes is very pretty and people shouldnt take the piss cos its fckin sick if u doo becz she dose really good songs and she fab soo shut the fck up taking the piss! jess
To be honest, who really cares what she is. If you hated her music to begin with your still going to hate her and if you liked her music why should it change your opinion if she didnt tell you that she might be slightly different. Its not like you research a band or a singer and decide you like them based on their religion! Meanwhile people who say that Hermaphrodites should all die and that they are sick for what they are .... i hope you never have kids, because you had a child that was different then the "norm" you might have to call yourself a hypocrite. You cant not love you own kid!
1. That is probably some random blog someone wrote for amusement and get a bunch of gullible people to argue over.
2. It could be photo shopped.
3. Just because you have both genitalia doesn't mean you have both reproductive organs.
4. Probably 100% of the people claiming to be "hermaphrodites" are probably making it up to back up their argument.
5. I doubt lady gaga's managers actually found a hermaphrodite that looks reasonably like her to learn her moves, and pose as her at live concerts.
6. It's illegal for strippers to show their genitalia due to indecent exposure.
7. Baby pictures don't prove anything, there isn't any proof that it is actually her, it could be anyone.
8. Getting plastic surgery on extra body parts to be removed is pretty easy, and affordable on her wage.
9. Has anyone thought that this is probably just a publicity stunt?
10. Most of these comments are hypocritical and prejudice. You are ranting about people that are "against" lady gaga simply because you are convinced she is a hermaphrodite and that makes her special and need to be defended and protected. You rant on people for insulting her, you may aswell double post that to reply to yourself.
11. I don't even understand why so many people feel obliged to defend her, what satisfaction will you gain from it what so ever? does it make you feel better about yourself or something? if you really want to support her go buy one of her albums or something.
12. "I don't believe the bible is truth, but 'Judge not lest ye be judged' is a great quote."
I just have to add this in.. You're saying you think it's a great quote but you don't believe it at all? Then what makes it great?
13. "people should be able to do and live how they want, as long as it doesn't hurt or affect anyone else, without the criticism."
firstly, what makes you think she doesn't just LOVE the attention she gets from all this? And secondly, you're saying you want to live in a world without a government? Every man for himself? What a ridiculous comment.
14. "its whats on the inside that counts"
No, it's not what's on the inside that counts, that's not how people become famous.. In a literal sense, you can sell various organs for some worth; so it is partly true.
15. "...who cares what she is..."
obviously, all these people commenting care..
16. "fuck anyone who thinks they're sick people
im nnot a hermaphrodite but i know that you people are just complete ignorant pigs."
That's probably the most ignorant comment I've seen yet..
17. "...fucking grow up you inconsiderate pricks dont take to fucking piss out of hermaphrodite's becasue you are fucking pathetic and they cant help it."
and you're 'pathetic' for taking the piss out of 'inconsiderate pricks' ?
18. "By the way you sick pig who are you to judge people, you insensitive piece of crap. You obviously have no respect for anyone, go and get a life!"
You're worse then him, he's judging a celebrity, which the media does every day and no one seems to care.. but you're judging him from a simple comment? He should get a life? what about you, you have nothing better to do then to insult people on the internet?
umm, yes there is something wrong with that.. only certain species are "natural" and successful hermaphrodites. Humans aren't able to reproduce without 2 sets of DNA.
20. "The only way I will believe it is if she gets on tv and says it."
You wouldn't believe it if she said it to your face?
21. "GaGa never had an interview like this. No one has ever asked her anything about this."
obviously because it's not suitable for the public media.
22. "1) it's gaga, not ga-ga.
2) the person in the picture looks nothing like the real lady gaga, thus being an impersonator."
lady gaga can spell her name how she likes, who are you to say what's right and wrong? If i got a complete make-over does that make me an impersonator of myself? because i wouldn't like anything like the real me.
23. "This story HAS NO SOURCE and the blog entry in question DOES NOT EXIST. STOP with you fake stories!"
tell that to every news show, newspaper and gossip magazine.
24. Well i'm done with this, to answer some possible future questions.. No, I really don't have anything better to do. I am very bored and tired (so excuse any spelling/punctuation mistakes.) and ofcourse this was for pure amusement.. Please feel free to correct me on any of my statements with a respectful comment :)
25. 25 seems like a fun number to wrap this up.
well im a lesbian and i really wouldnt care what she has i would still do her if te opportunity arised and to be honest her music is great and we should praise her for bring truthful about herself who cares what she has as a musician people cant fault her unless they arent into that kind of music
The correct term is Intersexual. Hermaphrodites do not really exist. Hermaphrodites have fully functional male and female parts and are capable of reproduction. Intersexuals are born as both, but are incapable of reproduction and their female and male parts are never fully developed. 1 in every 2000 are born as such.
So, A: Get your information straight before posting something this ridiculous, B: Who the fuck cares what someone is? People are people, that's all that matters. Closed hearts are what lead to conflict and ultimately war. Society is so rude, greedy, and unfeeling these days, it's just plain stupid. And C: Since it's not on TV anywhere, I have yet to actually believe this story.
Thank you for your time in reading this comment.
~Alexandra W.
This is one of the funniest blog's I've ever seen!
Are you lot for real, or is this one big wind up?
'Hermaphrodite' is my currenty favorite word, a whole bunch of us had a hermaphrodite night at Glastonbury, it was brilliant. Although Lady Gaga is clearly not pictured above (and i'm no fan), it's still a great blog
Good work!
im a hemaphrodite my face is absolutely littered with cocks! I am the same as everyone else but they look at me funny. Weird huh
this whole thing is fake.you never seen somthing in her tight outfits before she did that concert.and now all of the sudden she haz somthing in her pants.its fake.
Hrm... Strange how I never knew any of this until this evening, and yet I still managed to fit the pieces together. Well better than Trent Reznor anyway. That poor guy never gets the respect he deserves. Why does Lady Gaga get all the love in the world?
Gross. Yak. Disgusting. My Blog : earn money chao!
Applause for Lady Gaga for her bravery and her openness. By showing her true self in front of the world and being proud of it is what makes me respect her even more. Those who mock and abuse her are simply too immature to understand that no body is perfect in this world. If you think you are perfect when you look yourself in the mirror then that itself is your imperfection and I say the world should be mocking and abusing you for that.
Applause for Lady Gaga for her bravery and her openness. By showing her true self in front of the world and being proud of it is what makes me respect her even more. Those who mock and abuse her are simply too immature to understand that no body is perfect in this world. If you think you are perfect when you look yourself in the mirror then that itself is your imperfection and I say the world should be mocking and abusing you for that.
Applause for Lady Gaga for her bravery and her openness. By showing her true self in front of the world and being proud of it is what makes me respect her even more. Those who mock and abuse her are simply too immature to understand that no body is perfect in this world. If you think you are perfect when you look yourself in the mirror then that itself is your imperfection and I say the world should be mocking and abusing you for that.
This is horrible what some people are saying! Stop living in the judgemental past and start living in the present. It is clear you have concerns about your own looks and feel that choosing fault with others helps you feel better but the truth is that you will always be as ugly as your personality.
I don’t like to say it’s what the inside that counts as I have grown up in a world where it is the outside that is only seen. I have come to accept this and even though I have no disabilities or deformities myself I see how hard life can be for people in such a situations and look up to people like Lady Gaga as they don’t let their problems keep them behind.
As for people who disagree with me, I understand that you may have either grown up in an environment where this is unacceptable or something else but it is past the time to change and all you who have such a biased, negative thought need the help, not the people with these deformities!
I am 16 years old and have been brought up to look at things in a positive way. I have also been told to respect my elders as they are superior to me. I am guessing that all you who have said such disgusting things are older than a child, yet act like one, but I see myself superior to you as you have truly disgraced your self’s and deserve to be treated with the up most disrespect.
personaly i think bein a hermaphrodite wud be cool. i get to choose to be straight or a lesbian and i can have a choice when im strummin myself. it sounds like the perfect life. cos lesbians are cool
HWright1992 your are 16 thus we are anaglougs. This is my comment to your statement: A.) Its well composed B.) If you want to be smart, avoid wasting your time on speaking your opinion to a celeberity fan based site because it only falls on ignorant ears and finally C.) Some of us might possibly have put a faith powered opinion in thus making your "see from the outside/inside" opinion more useless. Write back and I will hear. I always enjoy a good combatant in conversation. Try to be more omniscient of people next time.
I just want to tell everybody on here that cant spell that they are to all morons and should spend less time looking up stars and should take some english classes. :)
First and foremost Hermaphrodites are people too and no if a female is born with a penis it generally does not function like a "man's penis" does. So no one can not fuck themselves and become pregnant because other than than being practically impossible if they could. Second who cares if "Mrs Gaga" has both genitalia because she makes good music and is still sexy to me. Third she is human and wishes to be recognized as a woman and those who wish her or any other hermaphrodite dead needs to grow up and realize your gay bashing get's you no where. People live in such a box and it gets old so fucking quick. Are we not suppose to be the most evolved species on the planet? No one can help how they were born and don't give be some bullshit answer about god because there is no god, only evolution. People are people and Lady Gaga (hermaphrodite or not) is human as well stop with the childish death wishes.
I dont know if she's a Hermaphrodite or not... all i know is that She's banging and i wouldnt care if she's a hermaphrodite... as long as she's a good person and she keeps the SICKKK ASS MUSIC SHE'S MAKING
keep it up GAGA...
and if she's a Hermaphrodite.. i think that shit is cool.
im actually interested in that.... i would like to know some facts about that... so hit me up to chat... vfbaraditb@hotmail.com
Im so damn proud of LADY GAGA because she admitted that she/he is hermaphrodite.. WOW! thats so amazing.. iloveyou GAGA!! keep it up..
ummm. im not a hermaphrodite. im normal. im a guy. and yeah.... thanks for reading!!
-guy with male genitlia
Leonie Saint ist eine der geilsten Deutsche Pornostars, deshalb schaut euch ihre Filme an, die sind tausendmal besser wie Lady Gaga!
I judge you gaga, you freak!!!
Whatever force that created the universe must have been drunk when he created you
Seriously, how come you lot actually defend her when she hasn't actually said any of this?
She's probably not a herm and so what if she is?
"Its not whats on the outside, its on the inside". No. Incorrect. Initially Its definitely the outside. I consider myself normal and I tend to not attempt to date fat and/or ugly ladies. Its normal, almost natural selection if you will.
who the hell cares at all with this poon and peener thing???? the bottomline is " LADY GAGA " is REAL HOT and TALENTED. CHEERS TO LADY GAGA!!!
lady gaga i love you....you are gorgeous and talented....Guam
i think its great!! honestly she has good music and she is hot if its true id fuck her the idea for a bisexual woman like me to have that to play with is amazin so many possiblities xxxxxxxxxx
Well, that explains the strange looking outfits she wears. She was distracting everybody from her "peeper".
anyway, i was like in hollywood the other day woith my girl friends, and OMG, i saw Robert Pattinson with a man....it wasnt one of his buddies, they where holding hands...really freaky i telling ya
indeed hermaphrodites are born like that but i suggest they send them to another world were they can live on their own,
Oh my.. Did you put? Or you already have that? I wanna know. Cool! Unique much.
Hey all first let me say this.
I am not a hermaphrodite
now secondly let me say this
my girlfriend is.
I mean come on, you get the emotional structure of a feminine relationship and you get the pleasure of a wang without having to use a dildo. Im a pansexual and Im proud of it.
wow amazing..many contradictive about lady gaga..i think thats complicated about it..cool
ewwwww 2 mostly all these we dont care if u got da same thing or sumdin realeated 2 it as lady gaga ew keep dat shyt 2 urslef mad nastyy ewww 2 all da ppl dat got da problem
ewwwww 2 mostly all these comments we dont care if u got da same thing or sumdin realeated 2 it as lady gaga ew keep dat shyt 2 urslef mad nastyy ewww 2 all da ppl dat got dat problem
Ok, Lady Gaga is an hermaphrodite, so what? There is nothing wrong with it, its just who "she" is, besides its not our business what she does in "her" intimate hours.
No one cares if you are an hermaphrodite, have msn or interested in sex. Its because of people like you that everyone thinks that hermaprhodites, lesbians, gays and other people like these have such a bad and sluty reputation!
Most haters need to know that hermaphrodits aren't like transexuals, there is a difference betwen changing gender and had borned with both of them.
If you don't like it, well no one is making you liking it, but you are being damn childish towards this issue. "Ewww Eww!" How old are you? 7? Stop acting like a little b*tch and grow up!
"They should all die" - You think you are better than them? Well the only thing that they aren't even guilty of, is of having two genders, while you're an murder by incstint.
Unfourtunally, now some girls will be stupid to the point of wanting to be like Lady Gaga just to show off. Same thing happened to Katty Perry, when she released the song "I kissed a girl", it was fashion to be a lesbian, when some dind't even knew the meaning of it, or was really interested in that issue...
Its what I call, "empty-headed" people who thinks that they are on top of everything when they are bellow everyone and they don't even notice it.
You can diss me if you want, I don't care. Its my opinion based of facts of the society.
Also I'm not a native speaker so don't judge my writtings.
Actually sjhe does admit it in her bio...
on the line...
“I was always an entertainer. I was a ham as a little girl and I’m a ham today,” says Lady Gaga, 23,
why would you say you were a"ham" if she didnt mean hemaphrodite" it doesnt make anysense any other way.
Im not bothered either way. one thing i always wonder though and i am being serious.. i wonder if both organs "work" the when they go to the toliet, can they decide which way to pee? i cant comphrehend as i dont understand it myself?
is she the only herma in the music scene? i think she deserves to be on top...
really? is this true? i have friends who say she got on tv and said she wasnt that all these posts are lies? so is this post true?
This quote is FAKE.
You need to stop spreading this rumor.
Hello everyone ;) I'm not a hermaphrodite. But I am a huge fan of Lady GaGa. I totally love her! I don't care if she do, or don't have both because I don't judge people. I think she is a strong person to face up to these rumors. I'm a female bisexual, that believe that people who judge others are the ones that is turning people against each other. Even if Lady GaGa is a hermaphrodite, she can't help herself. It's not her fault she was born with both. People need to think about if they were in her shoes. Would you like other people to spread rumors and talk s*** about you? Think about it. All I can really say now is that, Lady GaGa is still hot no matter what. If I had the chance to be with her, then I'll do so.
-Love To All!!!-
I wonder if they ever wind up in each other ahah
Wow.. So, I just found out, that all my life, I have been giving people way too much credit for being smarter then they look, and more accepting then they act.
If you have penis' all over your face, or a vag. for an eye.. and all of you making similar jokes that are way too redundant and idiotic... well, you have some other kind of condition.
I hope you all get a slap in the face some day.. what if your future child turns out to be a hermaphrodite? You would see your child as different then others, yet still normal, and deserving of a normal life and fair treatment. You would get used to it, and see it as normal. And if this does come about in your future family, I hope you remember what you posted, and I hope that makes your heart hurt for how mean you were with a simple stupid comment.
I have lost even more respect for humans for this series of posts, and myself for being inclined to read a good portion of them.
Thanks For This I Will Post It In My Site
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a hermaphridite means you were born with both a penis and vigina there is nothing wrong with it. it is completley normal to them and they could possibly change it but many surgaries would be involved. so dont hate on lady gaga
Anyone that has read what Lady Gaga honestly writes would know that this "blog" is seriously bogus. Whoever wrote that sounds like a 13 year old idiot, shame on you for spreading lies about people you dont even know. get real jobs, work like real people. Stefani Germanotta is beautiful and definitely a woman.
"Well better than Trent Reznor anyway. That poor guy never gets the respect he deserves. Why does Lady Gaga get all the love in the world?"
Trent Reznor gets tons of fans and respect. He is just a different scene. Different Music. Different Fans. Less publicity. You just dont see everything, doesn't mean he's "hurting".
Thats bull that doesnt even look like lady gag
Thats sexy really . i've always wanted a penis as a girl.. i recon she's lucky... cause most girls wish they had one, and she got one. wow. i'll look up to you as a princess for now and forever :)
it doesn't matter if we are male or female! all we need to know is we are born as is and we need to take advantage of what we have! im not hermaphrodite myself but i love what lady gaga has done with the strong points she has - she is a star! some people would see it as a handicap but she took the shit and become a star! people jealous of her is now talking rubbish about her! she's a great star and the songs she has is top class! thats all that matters! enuf said!
I want to be a girl not a boy im not gay I love girls!!!!!!! my I want to be one
i am a bisexual female... i am not a hermaphrodite, however, if i had the chance to be sexual with gaga, aka beautiful stefani germanotta, i so would!!! she's fuckin gorgeous, a brilliant artist with a refreshing open minded! i could care less if she was born with a vajaja and a peepee!!! id lick and suck them both for her! i admire her art and her beliefs and will rally behind her anytime! LADY GAGA! U ARE MY HERO!
I wouldn't care if she was packing six heads and a rear tenticle, she can still sing, has a dress sense so bad it's good and looks bloody fantastic.
cutting testies and forming vegina under penis to form shemale
so what! her music is still great.i m bisexual and ppl give me a hard time so imagine how much people give her a bad time for this.anyways anyone who wants to talk to me about their problems whether its about being gay or hermaphrodite can email me at aaron.purcell@rocketmail.com
I think that all hermaphordites she be placed on an island and blown up.. You can call me a mean cold-hearted bit** i dont care..
Honestly think to yourselves.. What would you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend was to tell you that they had both a penis and vagina??
All these people that say that we are mean and that we need to except people for who they are and not what they look like.. Would do thee same thing as us and kick there ass and leave em..
I am not ashamed to say that it is wrong to be like that.. I dont care what you want to say about me.. But I know my gender. I know I only have a vagina between my legs.. I am not confused about why did god do this to me..
So before you say things to us think about what you are standing up for and truely ask yourself if you wouldnt do thee same thing as me or thee person sitting next to you..
Truely do it an deep down you know you would.. Because this world is full of people who judge you no matter you look like or who you are.. How much money you have.. If your broke as can be.. You Are Always Going 2 Be Judge.. Get Ova It &&nd Suck It Up..
Humans can not be true hermaphrodites, because we as humans become unable to reproduce.
lady gaga may have a enlarged clitoris, but unless her urethra is malformed and running through it, it cannot be classified as a penis.
Ask any girl, her pee does not come out her clit, she has a seperate opening for her urine.
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